Welcome to the git-keeper Documentation

Git-keeper is an automated code-testing tool where students obtain and submit assignments using Git. Unlike other systems that require students to use a web portal or other external system, students interact with git-keeper using version control, and therefore are introduced to a skill that transfers to real-world projects. When a student pushes their work to the server, git-keeper automatically tests the submission and sends the student an email containing the results.

Instructors interact with the system using a command-line tool to upload assignments to the server and to fetch student submissions for grading. When assessing an assignment, git-keeper can utilize any language or tool that executes via the command line on a Linux system, making git-keeper adaptable to a wide range of classes and technologies. In addition, git-keeper requires minimal dependencies and is easy to configure and administer on a local server.

Getting Started

The navigation bar on the left provides quick access to different sections of the documentation.

  • Instructors who wish to start using git-keeper with an existing server should visit Faculty Users
  • System administrators wishing to set up a new git-keeper server should visit Admin Users
  • The Reference section provides additional details beyond general user guides
  • Developers who wish to contribute to git-keeper should visit Developers